41 Jobs for Business Development found
【タイ求人】【Business Analysis & IT Consultant】ITソリューションカンパニー(福利厚生充実)ID:69551
60,000 THB ~ 130,000 THBBTS (Sukhumvit Line)工作内容
【会社紹介】タイやアジアに進出した日系企業様向けに、システムや通信ネットワークの構築、クラウドサービスやセキュリティソリューションなどを提供しているITソリューションカンパニーになります。アジアのハブとして今後もその重要性が増していくバンコクを拠点とし、IT変革の中でダイナミックに活躍して頂ける人材を求めています。魅力ある社内環境、長く働けるキャリアパスを整備しています。社員のほとんどが現地採用で構成されており、中途入社の方でもすぐにご活躍頂ける環境です。また組織全体で適材適所を重視しており、ご本人の意向があればフレキシブルに部署異動も行っております。日系でありながらアジアに根差した会社として長く働けるよう、それぞれの職種に応じたキャリパス整備やトレーニング支援を行っています。【主な仕事内容】・ITソリューション計画立案(顧客の要求に応じたITソリューションの探索または開発)・ビジネスニーズに合ったシステムやプロセスの設計、実装を支援・顧客のDX活動支援(業務分析、システム分析等)・データセットの収集、処理、および統計分析を行い、データ駆動型の意思決定・Power BIなどのビジネス分析ツールの設計・運用【従業員数】約250名【同社で働く魅力】●大手日系商社グループ!●充実した福利厚生●現地採用社員が多く裁量権があり、様々なキャリアパスが用意されています!
- ビザ・労働許可証支給(費用会社全負担)
- 社会保険
- 傷害保険(試用期間中から 事故治療費60,000THB、死亡時600,000THB)
- 民間医療保険(試用期間後 最大1,000THB年間30回まで、入院時1日2,000THB、歯科医療年間3,000THB)
- プロビデントファンド(試用期間後 会社:勤務年数5年未満5%、5-10年6%、10-15年7%、15年以上8% / 個人:2ー15%から選択可能)
- 賞与:年2回(平均4か月 試用期間後)
- 昇給:年1回(試用期間後)
- 残業代無
- 交通費(試用期間後 月1,200THB)
- カフェテリアプラン(試用期間後 年間5,000THB)
- 各種会社行事(旅行、懇親会など)
- 年次健康診断
- 国外からの赴任の場合は費用補助あり(赴任時の航空券の50% ※上限10,000THB / 住居が決まるまでのホテル代6泊7日分の50% ※上限1,000THB/泊)
- 有給(勤務年数1-2年6日間、2-5年7日間、5-10年8日間、10年以上10日間)
- 病欠(年30日間)
- 個人休暇(年7日間)Sales and Marketing General Manager (Automotive)ID:71756
130,000 THB ~ 160,000 THBBTS (Sukhumvit Line), Chonburi工作内容
• Managing the Sales and Marketing department (OEM/OES/Aftermarket) • To expand new business with the current customer and increase the market share in the aftermarket via many channels. • To expand the market and find new potential customers • Provide leadership with full responsibility for profit & loss, including the development of contract financial planning for revenue and profit delivery. • To expand the market both domestically and in other countries by trading products. • To get profit margin from new business and enhance the marketing team to approach the new customers. • To make relationships with customers for having a chance at a new opportunity. • To survey and visit customers in each region (North/South/Central/Northeast/West) • Enhance the ability of the sales and marketing team to achieve the individual target and the company's target.
- Position allowance
- Provident Fund
- Life Insurance
- Health Insurance
- insurance for employees' children
- Lunch (free), Food for overtime (Free).
- Social Security
- Marriage grant
- Bonus (4-6 months)
- And other benefitsBusiness Development / Japanese speaker (JLPT N2 up)ID:71739
40,000 THB ~ 80,000 THBMRT Line工作内容
- Assist the Managing Director (including attending sales meetings and interpreting between Japanese and Thai)- Business planning and strategy execution- Manage project progress- Prepare and report monthly budget progress- Coordinate with the Japan headquarters and other group companies in Thailand- Sales activities (starting with business support and later setting goals based on sales skills)
- Sales Commission
- Car Maintenance Allowance: 3,500 THB per month
- Fuel Allowance: 1,500 THB per month (If mileage exceeds 215 km, an additional rate of 7 THB per km will be applied)
- Phone allowance: 800 THB
Salary Adjustment: 3-5% (Paid in January each year)
- Performance Bonus: 1 month
- Provident Fund: 5%
- Health Insurance【タイ求人】【Business Development】IT企業(未経験歓迎)ID:71737
50,000 THB ~ 100,000 THBMRT Line工作内容
会社概要:セキュリティ・ITインフラ製品の販売、メンテナンス・サポートサービスの提供採用背景:欠員募集業務内容:・Managing Directorの補佐(営業の同行、日本語タイ語間の通訳)・事業企画の推進・案件の進捗管理・月次予算の進捗報告・日本本社、タイ国内グループ会社との連携業務・営業活動(事業補佐からスタートし、営業スキルを考慮してゴール設定する予定です)従業員数:28名
・燃料費(月1,500THB / 走行距離が 215 km を超える場合は、1kmあたり7THBの追加料金が適用されます)
・有給Store Development (New set-up company)ID:71726
60,000 THB ~ 90,000 THBBTS (Sukhumvit Line), MRT Line工作内容
- Market research and store opening plans- Negotiate rent- Store start-up and operational preparation (purchasing, store design, staff recruitment, etc.)- Selection of construction and contractors once the location is decided- Development of suppliers and business partners- Arranging for the opening store- Others as assigned
- Social security
- Bonus
- Salary adjustment
- Annual leave: 6 days/year
- OthersExport SalesID:69417
60,000 THB ~ 80,000 THBTalingchan-Pinklao工作内容
-Responsible for generating sales each month to meet sales goals.-Customer in the countries assigned.-Create new sales and sales retention. Create new customers and countries of delegates.-Proposed selling price to the customer and order tracking from customer delivery schedule of Planned production
Business Development [IT, IoT]ID:70489
30,000 THB ~ 45,000 THBBTS (Sukhumvit Line), All Airport Link Lines工作内容
Product: GPS- Present company products & services to potential customers- Develop a new corporate customers base (B2B)- Close sales and achieve company target- Customers support- Preparation of monthly, quarterly, and annual management reports- Preparing sales kits & presentation materials- Making weekly reports for sales activities;- Coordinate with the back office to find solutions to fulfill customers’ needs- Conduct product/service training to customer- Maintain a relationship with every customer.
- Telephone Allowance
- Social Insurance
- Medical Insurance
- Transportation for businesses trip (Actual cost)
- Commission
- Company car
- OthersSales Assistant Manager (Japanese speaking)ID:70030
50,000 THB ~ 55,000 THBChonburi工作内容
- Manage key customers' relationship by overall service and supports in automotive / electronic / HDD component industry.- Responsible for managing sales operation and making database and report tor effective business decision.- Monitor market situation in global dynamics and assist developing local strategies / measures to achieve local business plan.- Collaborate with head quarter to facilitate internal approval, workflow, engineering coordinate and communication.- Partially collaborate with international sales / business development team (in Japan, Singapore) to foster new business in locality.
- Transportation support
- Gasoline allowance
- Meal allowance
- Diligent allowance
- Housing allowance
- Position allowance
- Provident fund
- Bonus
- Other allowanceSales (Graphite Products & Carbon)ID:71089
30,000 THB ~ 34,500 THBSamutprakarn工作内容
【Job summary】- Develop new business and Handing existing customersDevelop new business : 70%, Handing existing customers: 30%- Engage and maintain excellent relationship with existing and potential customers- Support export license management- Manage monthly report- Other assignments
- Social Security
- Accident Insurance
- Annual Health Check Up
- Perfect Attendance
- Transportation Allowance
Home to Office: Fix budget
Visit Customer: Paid Actual
- Performance Bonus 2 time/year (2021 got around 2 months)
- Incentive for Sale
- OT
- Annual Leave (1 year/10days)
- Other Leave base on Law
*No Medical InsuranceSales(BTS Sala Daeng / Chemical)ID:71224
22,000 THB ~ 35,000 THBBTS (Silom Line)工作内容
**This position is sales for chemical department- Handing existing customers(about 40%) and develop the new customer(about 60%)- Responsible for sales activity- Checking and managing inventory- Understand requirement from customers and provide customized support for them- Report to Japanese Director/Thai senior sales **Depends on candidate's position- Other related tasks as needed
- Bonus
- Salary adjustment
- Meal Allowance (50THB per day)
- Commute allowance(2,000~3,000THB) *Based on distance
- Health Insurance
- Dental Check Fee
- Provident Fund 7%
- Uniform
- Social Security Fund (all paid by company)
- OT
- Gasoline allowance
*No commission