24 Jobs for Utilities found
Sales Engineer(Pump)ID:70570
30,000 THB ~ 60,000 THBRayong工作内容
[Responsibilities]- Sell maintenance and after-sales service for industrial pumps. (They have more than 7,000 clients in Thailand)* Clients' nationality: Thailand, International. There are only a few Japanese companies.* Industries: Electricity, paper, petrochemicals, oil&gas, iron, etc.-Visit the clients/plants(1-3 clients per day), check the pump conditions, and propose the need for maintenance.* Existing client 60%, New client 40%* Clients owned would be 150-200 clients.- If it is a new client, approach PIC by researching and using personal network.- Actively seek out new sales opportunities through cold calling and networking.- Set up meetings with potential clients.- Ask to see other companies' quotes for comparison and make an attractive proposal.
- Sales Allowance 2000
- Bonus: Ave 2months(1 time per year)
- Uniform
- Mobile phone
- Gasoline, High way fee
- Social Security Fund
- Group insurance and life insurance (ได้ตั้งแต่วันแรก)
- Yearly check-up
- Company events (New Year party, Birthday party, and more!)
- Sales staff can work from anywhere
(Need to report and attend some meetings)
- Car maintenance fee is included in the basic salary
- If the employee achieves the specific target, the company provides the company car.
- The company buys business cards for new clients/PICs at 50thb per card.
- The company provide 1000thb to the order sheet from new client for comission to develop the client.【法人営業】人気家電メーカー(タイでも急成長中!通勤便利!)ID:67843
80,000 THB ~ 100,000 THBBTS (Sukhumvit Line), MRT Line工作内容
【おすすめポイント】・成長性の高い企業でキャリアを積める!・英語を使って活躍できる!・急募案件【同社について】タイへ進出してから、急激に成長を続けている同社。素早いトップの判断と革新的な商品開発力を持つ同社は、日本でも注目を浴びる家電日用品メーカーです。家電、日用品、法人向けLED商材等を販売しています。タイオフィスはローカル人材ともに優秀な方が多く、ビジネスパーソンとして成長できる環境となっています。今回は、事業拡大により日系企業向けのB2B営業を急募しています!【働く環境】・従業員数:30名前後【業務内容】・商材:法人向けLED商材・顧客:バンコクやその周辺の日系工場 (新規メイン)・レポート先:営業マネージャー、MD・部下:無<具体的には>・新規顧客開拓(テレアポ、訪問、商談、フォローアップ)・マーケットリサーチ・顧客及びと仕入れ先との交渉、調整業務(価格、品質、納期等)・見積り等書類対応・KPI管理、施策立案と実施・各種依頼事項への対応・レポートライン(Sales Manager, MD)への報告
・社用車:自走QC Supervisor *KingkaewID:70649
30,000 THB ~ 50,000 THBSrinakarin - Pattanakarn - Pravet, Samutprakarn工作内容
Shop inspection and Site inspection:‐ Check, study design, drawing, specification before inspection at subcontractor factory - Inspection, test product at manufacturing/ subcontractor and record. - Prepare inspection report and inform to concern persons - Check, study plant layout, piping layout of treatment plant - Perform re-evaluate existing subcontractorSafety control: - Audit to improve safety control at site- Initiative and improve own work process and cross functional with other section to achieve company objectives - Cooperate with company to establish, implement and continual improvement of the international management system ISO 9001, ISO14001 and ISO17025 - Study and follow regulations and related laws
- Transportation Allowance (7 THB per KM) or Company car
- BONUS (twice per year)
- Provident Fund 3%
- Annual Medical Checkup
- Medical Expense
- Life Insurance
- Accident Insurance
- Health Insurance
- Social Security Fund
- Death age allowance for employee’s family member
- Shuttle BUS (On-Nut BTS, Ram-Intra, Thonburi)
- Overnight Living Allowance (700 THB per day)
- Overseas Allowance (45 USD per day)
- OthersOffice Manager *KingkaewID:70648
50,000 THB ~ 65,000 THBSrinakarin - Pattanakarn - Pravet, Samutprakarn工作内容
To assist Executive on Planning, control on Administration of Management side that it is not General Affair- Plan and Control all aspect office ‘s Administration of Management side- Support’s Manager all aspect of executive ‘s requirement- Organize corporate documents, schedule meetings appointment and minute of meeting- Implement budgeting report and Shareholders' Meeting- Analyze data and information for Management decision making- Initiate and improvement own work process and cross functional- Other task assignments by superior
- Transportation Allowance (7 THB per KM) or Company car
- BONUS (twice per year)
- Provident Fund 3%
- Annual Medical Checkup
- Medical Expense
- Life Insurance
- Accident Insurance
- Health Insurance
- Social Security Fund
- Death age allowance for employee’s family member
- Shuttle BUS (On-Nut BTS, Ram-Intra, Thonburi)
- Overnight Living Allowance (700 THB per day)
- Overseas Allowance (45 USD per day)
- OthersLegal Officer *KingkaewID:69958
30,000 THB ~ 45,000 THBKing Kaew- Suvarnabhumi工作内容
- Commercial registration, coordination with various ministries of commerce.- Draft service contracts, prepare employment contracts, prepare sales contracts, various contracts.- Draft letters/correspondence to follow up on the request to comply with the contract/terminate the contract.- Coordinate Apply for permission with various gover
- Transportation Allowance (7 THB per KM) or Company car
- BONUS (twice per year)
- Provident Fund 3%
- Annual Medical Checkup
- Medical Expense
- Life Insurance
- Accident Insurance
- Health Insurance
- Social Security Fund
- Death age allowance for employee’s family member
- Shuttle BUS (On-Nut BTS, Ram-Intra, Thonburi)
- Overnight Living Allowance (700 THB per day)
- Overseas Allowance (45 USD per day)
- Others【営業マネジャー】電力会社 (通勤便利・日系大手企業)ID:67201
100,000 THB ~ 150,000 THBBTS (Sukhumvit Line)工作内容
会社情報: 同社は電気事業、熱供給事業を行っている大手企業です。主に電気、熱の製造・販売、また熱電供給設備の設計・調達・施工・保守・運用を行っています。最適なエネルギーシステムの構築・運用に関するソリューション提案を通じて、省エネ・省コスト・省CO2 など、お客様の多様なニーズにお応えする取組みを推進しています。近年では太陽光発電による省コスト・省CO2のソリューション提案も行っています。おすすめポイント:・駅直結で通勤も便利です。・日本は大きな組織ですが、タイ拠点は全体で15名程。アットホームな環境です!・技術のバックグランドがある方歓迎です。業務内容: 営業活動をメインにお任せしたいと考えています。・新規開拓・お客様からの問い合わせ対応・お客様への提案・お客様との仕様打ち合わせ・営業レポート作成 など組織構成: 従業員: 全体15名セールス部門構成: ナショナルスタッフ3名
60歳。定年を過ぎた場合は1年毎の契約となります。【電気計装工事 技術者】総合設備エンジニアリング会社ID:70561
80,000 THB ~ 130,000 THBRatchadapisek - Phetchaburi工作内容
会社概要:電気・空調工事、機械据付、配管、建築などを手掛けるエンジニアリング会社同社で働く魅力:●様々な国での海外プロジェクトの実績多数!確かな技術力を保有する総合設備エンジニアリング会社●好待遇、福利厚生充実業務内容:受変電設備 及び プラントの電気計装工事における基本設計、詳細設計、機器選定・調達、施工管理、試運転など一連の流れをご担当いただきます。- お客様との打ち合わせを基に基本設計を行い実務担当者へ棚卸- プロジェクトの予算、スケジュール管理- 提案資料の作成- ケーブル計算(電力ケーブル、動力ケーブル)及び検証- 見積積算(BQ作成)- 受変電機器の選定 - 協力会社との折衝や打ち合せ‐ マネジメント(ユニットにより5~15名のナショナルスタッフのマネジメント)従業員数:62名
- ビザ、労働許可証支給
- タイ国社会保険
‐ 民間医療保険(AIA / 試用期間終了後から)
- プロビデントファンド (試用期間終了後から)
- 言語手当(500~3,000THB)
- 賞与年1回(年1回 平均2か月 ※業績連動 / 1年勤務経過後から)
- 昇給年1回(年1回 平均2-4% / 1年勤務経過後から)
- 有給(入社1年後から年間10日間)
- 私用休暇(入社後から年間5日間)
- 傷病休暇(入社後から年間30日間)
‐ その他 慶弔休暇など
‐ 渡航費応相談可(日本在住者の場合)
57歳【営業部長】タイ最大手 日系水処理エンジニアリング会社(好待遇)ID:70195
180,000 THB ~ 200,000 THBKing Kaew- Suvarnabhumi , Samutprakarn工作内容
- ビザ・労働許可証支給
- タイ国健康保険
- 健康保険(AIA保険)
- プロビデントファンド
- 賞与(年2回 7月・12月:平均3か月)
- 昇給(年1回:毎年4月)
- 社用車貸与(通勤、業務に使用)
- 赴任手当(応相談)
- 有給(年6日 / 試用期間通過後より使用可)Business Development Manager *KingkaewID:60340
50,000 THB ~ 70,000 THBSrinakarin - Pattanakarn - Pravet, Samutprakarn工作内容
- Develop a growth strategy focused both on financial gain of Sales and Marketing- Conduct research to identify new market strategy and customer needs- Control Sales team both Plant Sales and Plant Division to arrange business meetings with prospective clients- Promote the company’s products/services addressing or predicting clients’ objectives- Build long-term relationships with new and existing customers- Finding and developing new markets trend and improving sales
- Transportation Allowance (7 THB per KM) or Company car
- BONUS (twice per year)
- Provident Fund 3%
- Annual Medical Checkup
- Medical Expense
- Life Insurance
- Accident Insurance
- Health Insurance
- Social Security Fund
- Death age allowance for employee’s family member
- Shuttle BUS (On-Nut BTS, Ram-Intra, Thonburi)
- Overnight Living Allowance (700 THB per day)
- Overseas Allowance (45 USD per day)
- OthersSales EngineerID:69023
25,000 THB ~ 35,000 THBBTS (Sukhumvit Line)工作内容
- While communicating with customers, manufacturers, and suppliers, formulate plans, hold meetings, and prepare quotations for product sales and equipment delivery, and after receiving an order, adjust schedules, attend on-site meetings, and prepare a report.- New customer development.Find new customers through introductions from existing customers and make proposals to them.- Prepare quotations and reports in response to customer requests.- In some cases, required to attend on-site at the time of product delivery.
- Social Security
- Transportation Allowance (MAX 3,000B)
- Sales Allowance
- Health Check up
- Life Insurance (Tokyo Marine)
- Bonus (Twice per year)