414 Jobs for Senior (3-5 years experience) found
Sales representative (Chonburi or BTS Asoke)ID:63629
50,000 THB ~ 65,000 THBBTS (Silom Line), BTS (Sukhumvit Line), Chonburi工作内容
- Support existing customer together 10% with open new customers account 90% in sales and renting pallets (Pallet) and racks (Nesting Rack) for use in the goods handling and warehousing and logistics industries.- Maintaining and increasing sales of the company's products- Reaching the targets and goals set for responsibility area- Establishing, maintaining and expanding your customer base.- Servicing the needs of your existing customers- Increasing business opportunities through various routes to market.
- Transportation Support (depending on distance)
- Company provide car to visit client [Have no driver]
- Provident fund
- JLPT Allowance
- Accident insurance + medical insurance
- Have no commission
- Others【営業】包装材メーカー (語学不問!業界未経験可)ID:67457
60,000 THB ~ 70,000 THBChonburi, Ayutthaya工作内容
<同社について>タイで25年以上の歴史を持つ包装材の総合メーカーです。企画から製造まで一貫したオペレーションでお客様のニーズに合わせて製品を提供しています。お取引先は大手自動車部品メーカーやデジタル家電メーカーが多く、事業基盤も安定しています。<仕事内容>取り扱い製品: 段ボール箱・オフセット印刷箱・段ボールパレットなどの各種緩衝材及び梱包資材顧客: 自動車部品メーカー、デジタル家電メーカー、弱電メーカーなど営業エリア: アユタヤ近郊~バンコク・サムットプラカーンあたりまでとなる予定ですが、部内の状況なども見ながら入社後に相談し決めていきます。遠方への出張はほぼ無く、基本的に日帰りで可能な範囲です。お客さまが必要とする梱包資材を検討し、設計部門と協力して提案していただきます。新規営業をお任せしたいと考えています。・新規顧客開拓・既存顧客のフォロー・見積り等書類対応・顧客及び仕入先との調整業務(価格、品質、納期等)・在庫管理・ローカルスタッフのサポート・レポートラインへの報告業務など
- BOIビザ、労働許可証支給
- タイ国社会保険
- タイ民間医療保険
- 健康診断(年1回)
- プロビデントファンド
‐ 通信手当:あり ※通信用SIM貸与、携帯本体は自己負担
‐ 通勤手当:あり ※社用車貸与(通勤時ガソリン代等会社払い)通勤ルート:バンコクから通勤可
社用車およびドライバー付社用車は休日にも使って頂けます。Sales EngineerID:69023
25,000 THB ~ 35,000 THBBTS (Sukhumvit Line)工作内容
- While communicating with customers, manufacturers, and suppliers, formulate plans, hold meetings, and prepare quotations for product sales and equipment delivery, and after receiving an order, adjust schedules, attend on-site meetings, and prepare a report.- New customer development.Find new customers through introductions from existing customers and make proposals to them.- Prepare quotations and reports in response to customer requests.- In some cases, required to attend on-site at the time of product delivery.
- Social Security
- Transportation Allowance (MAX 3,000B)
- Sales Allowance
- Health Check up
- Life Insurance (Tokyo Marine)
- Bonus (Twice per year)Production Engineer/Plastic compound ID:67126
30,000 THB ~ 40,000 THBSamutprakarn工作内容
Product: Plastic compound- Plan and organize production schedules to meet customer demands and production targets.- Monitor and optimize production processes to enhance efficiency and productivity.- Troubleshoot and resolve production issues in a timely manner to minimize downtime.- Ensure that plastic compounds are manufactured according to quality standards and customer specifications.- Collaborate with the R&D team to develop new and improved plastic compound formulations.- Conduct regular inspections and tests on raw materials and finished products to ensure quality control.- Implement lean manufacturing principles and continuous improvement initiatives to streamline production processes.- Train and mentor production operators to enhance their technical skills and ensure adherence to safety protocols.- Work closely with cross-functional teams, such as Quality Control and Maintenance, to address any production-related challenges.- Participate in cost analysis and cost reduction efforts to optimize production expenses.- Monitor and maintain inventory levels of raw materials and finished products to avoid shortages or excess inventory.- Keep up-to-date with the latest industry trends and advancements in plastic compound manufacturing.- Other tasks assigned
- Social Security
- Health insurance (AIA insurance / up to 3,500 THB per year within the company)
- Transportation allowance (calculated based on distance traveled and paid monthly)
- Meal allowance (30THB / day)
- Bonus (December / 2.5 months in 2022, 3.3 months in 2021)
- Salary increase (in April)Service Engineer (Automatic Machines)ID:63153
40,000 THB ~ 70,000 THBBTS (Sukhumvit Line)工作内容
【About the Company】SIG Engineering is established on 1st April 2022 as a group company of SANGO Thailand.This company sells customized robotics and Factory Automation mainly to the automotive factories.【Job Description】- Visit clients to hear their technical needs *Clients are mainly automotive parts factories* Visit Chonburi, Chiangmai - Suggest technical solution based on the client's needs*for example, suggesting products when the client wants to automatize when the client makes robots- Set up the machine- Check and maintenance machine for customers- Make sales related documents‐ Assemble, commission, and install items that we have designed and manufactured ourselves
- Health insurance
- Social insurance
- Bonus once in a year *at least 1monthSupplier Quality Engineer (Chinese speaker)ID:68632
50,000 THB ~ 80,000 THBAyutthaya工作内容
[Product] Spindle Motors for HDDs- Supplier quality management- Supplier Qualification- Quality issue follow up- Driving supplier quality performance, including new product development and product quality improvement- Overseeing supplier quality team and establishing quality control objectives- Ensuring the supplier meets all regulatory and company requirements- Performing quality system audits- Maintaining supplier quality records- Maintaining relationships with suppliers- Other tasks as assigned
- Social security
- Health insurance
- Provident fund
- Provide company car for sales
- Bonus
- Bus service support(16 bus routes)【営業幹部候補】金属リサイクルメーカー(英語が活かせる!)ID:66333
95,000 THB ~ 155,000 THBChonburi工作内容
【会社概要】当社は電子・電機メーカーの特定の工程から排出されるスクラップを買い取り、再精錬することで高純度の原料を生み出すリサイクル事業を展開しております。事業拡大に伴い、営業、工場管理、またはその両方を担当する幹部候補を募集しています。【業務内容】以下のいずれか、または両方の業務を担当いただきます。◆営業管理- 営業組織の数字管理およびチームマネジメント- 拡販に向けた戦略や戦術の立案- 顧客訪問、リレーションシップの構築および維持- 新規顧客の開拓および既存顧客のフォローアップ◆工場管理- 生産計画の策定および管理:生産目標の達成に向けた計画の立案と進捗管理- 品質管理:品質確保のための管理体制構築および運用、問題発生時の改善策実施- 設備管理:工場設備のメンテナンス計画立案と運用、故障時の迅速な対応- 労務管理:現場スタッフの管理と労働環境の改善、スタッフの育成と指導◆経営へのレポート- 上記内容をタイ法人の経営陣に報告し、解決に向けての議論- 必要に応じて本社へのレポート作成[従業員数] 約30人[募集背景] 増員
・通勤補助(①社用車自走 / ②自家用車使用 + 交通費1日50THB支給 / ③乗り合い(他の従業員との兼ね合いでルートの指定あり))
・住宅補助(25,000バーツ / 月)
・携帯電話(支給 / SIMのみ支給など)
・賞与(年1回 / 2023年度実績4カ月)
・昇給(年1回 / 平均5%)
・有給(入社2年目以降 6日 / 年)
・営業車(自走 / 社用車貸与)【金型設計】日系自動車部品メーカー(マネージャー候補, 金型製造業界経験者, シニア歓迎)ID:64540
70,000 THB ~ 120,000 THBRayong工作内容
【自動車部品製造業/シニア歓迎!】主に、射出成型でのプラスチック製品を生産しております。この度事業拡大に伴い、新部門を立ち上げるため、金型の設計から製作まで全ての工程を管理頂ける方を募集しております。ローカルスタッフの指導も含めて これまで培ってきたご経験を活かして共に働きませんか?【業務内容】・設計や調整に対する打ち合わせ・工程設計と管理・改善点の抽出・成形条件設定・タイスタッフの現場指導【働く環境】バンコクより南東に位置するラヨーン県に位置しております。人口10万を超え巨大ショッピングモールや有名ホテルが立ち並ぶ、ちょっとした中核都市です。<入社後の流れ>入社頂いた後は研修(2週間ほど)をしっかり行いますので、安心してスタートしていただけます。
・携帯電話(支給 / SIMのみ支給など)
・昇給(年1回 / 実績により)
・その他委細面談可Sales ExecutiveID:69397
25,000 THB ~ 35,000 THBChonburi工作内容
- Building relationships with old customers and find new customers- Prepare customer information and assess the potential of customers- Bringing samples to test and sell and negotiate the terms of sale- Making plans to meet customers customer visit offer for sale including tracking delivery of goods to customers- Coordinate with Accounting/Finance Department to follow up on customer payments- Billing for checks
- Bonus
- Provident fund
- Uniform
- Other allowanceProgrammer and AnalystID:63801
35,000 THB ~ 50,000 THBChonburi工作内容
• Analyze requests for custom software development and data reports; provide estimates of time.• Provide software analysis, detail design specifications and user release notes.• Develop, test, implement, and maintain custom software and system modules.• Evaluate and identify needed processes, documentation, and service improvement opportunities.• Manage multiple projects/priorities simultaneously.• Provide programming and data analysis support for the custom applications via Visual Studio.• Provide troubleshooting support for escalated systems and application problems that cannot be resolved at a lower level.• Coordinate and facilitate staff training as needed for software implementations.• Database Administrator.• Support other tasks assigned.
- Meal allowance 15 THB / Days
- OT
- Provident fund
- Medical insurance
- Social Security
- Performance Bonus 1.5-2 months(last year)