9 Jobs for Job Category 2 found
General ManagerID:71183
50,000 THB ~ 80,000 THBSaraburiJob Description
1. To lead and manage the development of the hotel strategy.2. To set the annual budget and then deliver the Revenue and GOP targets of the property.3. To effectively lead and manage all day-to-day operational activities of the hotel.4. To effectively manage the owner relationship on behalf of the company.5. To successfully position the hotel from a Sales and Marketing perspective.6. To ensure that accurate forecasting and Revenue Management activities are taking place.7. To ensure that the operational and service skills of the employees of the hotel are being constantly improved.
- ประกันสังคม
- ค่าที่พัก
- ค่าคอมมิชชั่น (ตามตกลง)
- อื่น ๆBusiness Support Services Manager ID:71154
125,000 THB ~ 160,000 THBBTS (Sukhumvit Line)Job Description
- Identify opportunities to optimize the global tender processes.- Create volume analyses,- Customized support requests from the Tender Managers- Coordinate agent country pricing responses to global and regional tenders in a timely and quality manner.- Regular evaluate (via the monthly report/call) the customers and see/discuss/propose which customer we should replace by morepromising customers and implement these if we have the room for it.- Improve the hitrate/revenue of the existing customers by challenging Product/Procurement, the quoting countries and the (operational) Account Managers on the competitiveness of their quotes.- Discuss with the spot quote desk customers the results of the spot quote desk.- Execute correct administration of activities and results of tender support & spot quote activities- Use global available applications to compile relevant information- Motivate, inspire, develop and engage all direct reports.- Conduct people interactions timely, in a transparent, approachable and trustworthy manner.
- Social Security Fund
- Medical Insurance
- Company TripTechnician ManagerID:70992
50,000 THB ~ 70,000 THBChangwattana - Ngam Wong WanJob Description
- Manage essential utility systems, including electrical, HVAC, fire suppression, and sanitation systems.- Oversee power generation systems (generators, batteries) and kitchen ventilation.- Maintain access control for gates, car parks, and elevators/escalators.- Develop and enforce weekly and monthly preventive maintenance (PM) schedules.- Monitor and report on deteriorating equipment; manage spare parts inventory for prompt repairs.- Track and inspect faulty equipment, implementing preventive measures to extend its lifespan.- Supervise external contractors for maintenance per monthly agreements.- Conduct compliance training (e.g., fire drills) and ensure tenant renovations meet standards.- Supervise team members, manage maintenance documentation, and perform basic repairs.- Coordinate with contractors for repair/improvement quotes and complete additional tasks as directed.
- Provident fund
- Medical insurance
- Variable Bonus
- Annual leave 14days after probationMarketing Executive Staff ID:70605
40,000 THB ~ 45,000 THBMRT LineJob Description
• Increased product sales for the company, reach the assigned target of the new business, spread as well as profit.• Visiting and build relationship with the customers (Supplier) for business opportunity.• Conduct financial analysis (BS, PL, Cash Flow) and analyst the customer’s strength, weakness, customer’s policies, and their strategies. • Prepare a marketing comments and credit application under above analysis.• Monitor payment from customers in the team and try to solve the problem.
- Social Security Fund
- OT
- Provident Fund
- Medical Insurance
- Transportation Support
- Annual Company Party
- Annual Company Trip
- Training Budget (after passing Probation)【工場長】プラスチック成形品メーカー(福利厚生充実)ID:71143
120,000 THB ~ 170,000 THBPrachinburiJob Description
【同社について】主に自動車に搭載されるプラスチック成型品の企画・設計、成形、コーティングなど50年以上の実績と経験に基づいて製品を提供しております。【おすすめポイント】・福利厚生が充実!【業務内容】- 既存の射出成形と工程進捗確認- 新規金型開発および金型変更- 製品サンプリング管理- 既存顧客と工程のトラブルシューティング- 顧客へのフィードバック- 品質システム要求事項の遵守と管理- 現地スタッフの管理と指導- その他関連業務【組織】全体:160名【募集背景】この度、帰任に伴い製造管理業務、現地スタッフ育成をお任せできる方を募集いたします。
・通勤補助(自走 / 社用車貸与、実際にかかった費用負担(ガソリン代 / 高速代 / 駐車場)など)
・携帯電話(支給 / SIMのみ支給など)
・賞与(年1回 )
・昇給(年1回 )
・日本一時帰国手当(費用は会社負担・年1回)Strategic PlanningID:69376
35,000 THB ~ 45,000 THBBTS (Sukhumvit Line)Job Description
- Create Business Plan (yearly) – Coordinate with related departments for collecting and input data to use in planning and forecasting.- Create Monthly Report - Operate Research and Survey Activities (Yearly); Competitor Research, Customer Satisfaction Survey.- Study and develop new products/services.- Support online and offline marketing campaigns and strategy to increase customer awareness and attract new prospective customers.- Provide ad-hoc support per request from the supervisor.
- Group Health insurance
- Provident fund【塾講師】小中学生向け学習塾(土日休み、シラチャ中心地勤務)ID:70190
60,000 THB ~ 75,000 THBChonburiJob Description
会社概要:小中学生向け学習塾同社で働く魅力:●バンコクに次ぐタイ第2の日本人街であるシラチャでの勤務、日系スーパー・飲食店、日本語通訳常駐の病院もあり生活しやすい環境●塾講師では珍しい土日休み!長期連休取得可!業務内容:・学習指導 - 授業方式 集団授業(2名~最大10名) - 対象生徒 年長~中1(一番生徒数の多いゾーンは小4-6) - 担当教科 主に英語、算数、一部国語 - カリキュラムは学校側で設定、教材に沿って教えていただきます・その他 - 授業準備 - 保護者対応(保護者面談、問い合わせの対応、新規の方へ授業内容の説明)生徒数 :100名程度従業員数:15名採用背景:欠員募集
・有給(初年度6日 / 試用期間通過後)【店長候補】日系整体サロン(語学不問!これまでの経験を活かしてタイ移住に踏み出してみませんか?)ID:67314
50,000 THB ~ 60,000 THBBTS (Sukhumvit Line)Job Description
会社について:同社はタイ バンコクにて身体の不調を根幹から改善する整体マッサージを提供するサロンとして愛されています。同社で働く魅力:●学歴・言語不問!●整体師としての技術を活かし海外に挑戦できる!●サロンはバンコクの中心地にあり通勤しやすく、退勤後も飲食店やショッピングセンターに行きやすい環境♪仕事内容:主にお客様のカウンセリング、現地社員の育成、店舗マネジメントを行っていただきます。タイではビザの関係で実際に施術を行うのは現地社員のみとなります。・お客様の健康状態、生活習慣、現在の症状などのヒアリング・身体の状態を評価し、身体に起きている問題の原因の特定・患者の個別のニーズに基づいて、適切な施術プランの作成・セルフケアの指導、生活習慣の改善提案・患者の経過を観察し、必要に応じて施術プランの調整や追加の施術や治療の提案・予約、カルテの管理・お客様との信頼関係の構築・現地社員の育成(直接指導を行うのはマネージャーのみ)・店舗マネジメント採用背景:増員募集従業員数:10名
- ビザ、労働許可証支給
- タイ国社会保険
- 通勤交通費(月3,000THB)
- 昇給(店舗業績、個人実績により ※必ず毎年昇給があるとは限りません)
- 賞与(店舗業績により ※必ず毎年支給があるとは限りません)PPIC Asst. Supervisor (Karawang)ID:38822
5,000,000 IDR ~ 5,500,000 IDRIndonesiaJob Description
- Job activity on PPIC including inventory control, production control planning and delivery control. - Job activity in the warehouse, including incoming materials, storage, supply and delivery.- Make a report of activities, this report is submitted to the Top Management in Management Review monthly.
Tax -> paid by company
Transport allowance
Meal -> canteen